Overview of My Research

Multidisciplinary Scientist
Greetings! My name is Trevor and I recently earned my PhD in Physics from UC Berkeley. At Princeton University, I am currently an independent postdoctoral researcher at the Center for the Physics of Biological Function (CPBF) and at the Princeton Center for Theoretical Science (PCTS), a Future Faculty in the Physical Sciences (FFPS) Fellow, and a Schmidt Science Fellow. As a scientist, I am interested in understanding how structure and order is created at many length scales from cellular protein aggregates to celestial movements. Additionally, I have the passion of using social media and my blog to communicate science to the general public.

It was a pleasure to read the wonderful article an undergrad at Georgetown University wrote about my recent talk there for the student newspaper. The link is here.
I’m excited to share my first preprint of 2025, “Extremal Events Dictate Population Growth Rate Inference,” with Ethan Levien and Ariel Amir! We correct systematic errors in growth rate inference from single-cell data, revealing deep links to phase transitions, large deviation theory, and thermodynamic equalities. The link is here.
Excited to share my final preprint of 2024, “Direct estimates of irreversibility from time series,” with Gianluca Teza and Bill Bialek! We show that inferring the arrow of time, much like entropy, requires careful correction for finite sample size errors. The paper is here.
I'm excited to share my latest work, titled "Membrane Wetting by Biomolecular Condensates is Facilitated by Mobile Tethers," which is now available online here!
My recent preprint entitled "Trait-space patterning is dictated by the tempo and mode of mutation" is now posted online here.
I'm excited to visit Northwestern Applied Math on Oct. 15 for my talk on Model-free Inference from Time-series Data, graciously co-sponsored by Chemical and Biological Engineering! The abstract and Zoom link is here.
I'm excited to give an invited talk at Washington University in St. Louis in the Department of Biomedical Engineering on Sept. 12. My abstract is here.
My recent preprint entitled "Maximum entropy models for patterns of gene expression" is now posted online here.
I'm excited to share that my article, 'Mystery Droplets Inside Cells May Play Vital Roles in Life,' has been published in Scientific American. In this piece, I discuss the physics of biomolecular condensates and reflect on my personal journey in the field. The article is here.
The next stop is Dartmouth College. I'll be giving an invited talk for the Applied & Computational Mathematics Seminar on Aug. 6.
I will be giving an invited talk at Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) in the symposium, "Eco-evolutionary Processes in Biology: Mathematical and Physical Perspectives" June 13. The abstract is here.
I will be presenting work entitled "Coarse graining and hidden entropy production" at APS March Meeting. Abstract is here.
I will be giving an invited talk at the Biophysical Society 68th Annual Meeting in the symposium, "Phase Separation in Membrane and Lipids".
©2025 by Trevor GrandPre.